changing the world one song at a time...
changing the world one song at a time...
I had my first violin lesson when I was 2! I played my first recital at age 3. Now I am 12 years old, and I am an 8th grader at Franklin Middle School and a part time 9th grader at Washington High School. I play in the orchestra at both schools. I take private violin lessons 1 hour per week with professional violinist and amazing teacher Beth Hoffman. I also take fiddle at JA Clair School of Music in Mount Vernon, IA.
This year I have participated in:
In addition to my violin activities, I am a competitive swimmer, and I am in show choir, drama (to view my drama resume, click here), and mock trial, future cities team, optimist speech, and NaNoWriMo, an annual writing initiative. I participate in an online debate club, and I almost always have my nose in a book. When I finish high school, I hope to attend Harvard and obtain my law degree. I love dogs, stuffies, my family, fashion, baby animals, and art. My favorite musicals are Hamilton, Fiddler, and Les Mis. My favorite opera singer is Miles Mykkanen. I have seen Joshua Bell, Midori and Lindsey Striling in concert! I have a dog named Pony and a dog named Pippa.
Thanks for checking out my page!
Best, Mira
Hi Mira, I wanted to let you know how your music touched hearts this week, and I hope you'll share this with the other members of your trio.
I live in Arizona now but my parents and most of my family still live in Cedar Rapids. My parents are 79 and 80 years old. My dad recently took a turn for the worse, growing weaker, and after falling at home several times my mom had no choice but to have him taken to the hospital and then a nursing home.
After he was there for about a day, your group visited and performed. My parents were overcome with emotion. You see, I grew up playing the violin as well, with the Suzuki school. My mom and dad spent absolutely countless hours, from the time I was 5 years old, taking me to lessons, helping me practice, watching competitions, attending performances, and everything that goes with all of it. They were fully invested.
When they saw and heard your music, it brought them back to all of those memories at a time it seems life could be coming to an end for my dad.
When my mom told be about this experience, I was overwhelmed with the compassion I can only have now with children of my own, knowing how hard they worked and how involved they were. Violin was as much theirs as it was mine, and it was my whole life.
Thank you for your performance, and please know when you play for people they don't just enjoy the music. The music floods them with memories of a long life and better times gone by.
I know this is sort of depressing but it's part of life. I just wanted you to know you touched my parents deep in their hearts and I'm so glad you and your trio were there at that time.
Have so much fun playing and getting everything you can from the experience! I'm so grateful for my life of violin and all the unexpected ways music practice and dedication set me up for success.
Sincerely, a daughter, Sophie
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